Aquatics Plants

Aquatics Plants

Originally Posted by Yorkie
10-19-2020 ref. Diana Walstad

In her book, Ecology of the Planted Aquarium (Chapter 7), Diana Walstad talks about the use of aquarium plants to take up ammonium from the water. Section 4 within this chapter is entitled “Plants and Nitrifying Bacteria Compete”. The essence of this is that plants prefer to uptake ammonium instead of nitrate. So, I did a very basic experiment in order to probe deeper into this…

In an illuminated tank containing Java and Congo Fern, I was able to show that NH4 dropped from 2 mg/litre to 0.4 mg/litre over a period of just four hours! Late yesterday evening, I then added ammonium chloride to raise the NH4 to just under 3 mg/litre and left the tank overnight in darkness. At 12:40 pm today, I measured NH4 and it was still around 3 mg/litre. What could be the explanation for this? Is it because my plants only absorb NH4 in the presence of light, i.e. when the plants are photosynthesizing?

I usually don’t check other forums on APC (Aquatic Plant Central), so I would post your questions there.

Plants take up ammonia as their source of nitrogen for growth both day and night. (Nitrate is only taken up in the presence of light.)

Your plants reduced NH4 from 2 mg/l to 0.4 mg/l in 4 hours. This addition may have saturated their need for nitrogen. Then you added 3 mg/l. Was that immediately after the first reduction?

Plants take up N for growth along with some excess. But there’s a limit. There has to be some plant growth involved. Ferns aren’t fast growers. You’ll notice that most of the scientific testing is done on Elodea, duckweed, Hornwort, etc, not ferns. Usually, scientists doing these studies show that the uptake is accompanied by plant growth.

In an NPT (natural planted tank), growing plants take up ammonia as it is generated in small amounts by natural processes. This means small amounts as they grow.

High concentrations of ammonia are toxic to plants (my book, p. 20), so there’s some limit on how much they can take up and how fast.

Currently, I use plants as sole water purifiers in all of my 8 guppy tanks. No filters.

Originally Posted by dwalstad
September 2014

Your plants reduced NH4 from 2 mg/l to 0.4 mg/l in 4 hours. This addition may have saturated their need for nitrogen. Then you added 3 mg/l. Was that immediately after the first reduction?

Yorkie Re:
I am very grateful for your comprehensive reply – thank you!

With specific reference to the above – yes, the 3 mg/l total ammonia addition was immediately after the first reduction. I was guessing somewhat and, in hindsight, it was too great an increase. I measured total ammonia at 1900 this evening and it had dropped to 0.2 mg/l. Tomorrow, I’ll test total ammonia again and also include NO2 and NO3.

dwalstad Re:

Sounds like you have a scientific mind-set. Excellent.

The scientists looking for plant uptake of ammonia always check nitrates and nitrites to make sure that the N removal from the ecosystem is not due to nitrification.

Even then, it is hard to sort out. Nitrogen is recycled via many different pathways by many different organisms, bacteria species, etc. Everybody wants nitrogen!

Magical Koi Creek

Magical Koi Creek

submitted by Holly Gibbs
November 2020

Magical Koi CreeK

As I load my truck with nets & buckets battery air packs in anticipation for today’s collecting (treasure hunt). Going to my favorite place a magical creek full of koi & goldfish. The creek periodically dries up so I feel a need to rescue as many as possible. My biggest so far is about 11/2 ft orange n black koi named Titan very handsome.
But Ghost has escaped my net twice. She is a beautiful white female. I’m hoping my next trip third time will be my charm. But I am content until then to relax and watch hundreds of baby frogs hop all about. The beautiful deer at the waters edge having a cool drink don’t seem to be concerned with me. I have collected such beautiful wonders of nature there; Crystals, plants, arrowheads & even the biggest mystery snail I’ve ever seen – (Mo).
The water is cool & refreshing as I wade through or in a few cases get drug down the river by ghost, almost medicinal for my body & soul.
Blessed Be fish family & I hope everyone has a magical place to go to just like Ghosts creek.

The Start of Guppies

The Start of Guppies

submitted by Scott Burden @Fancy Tail Aquatics
November 2020

The Start of Guppies

The Guppy takes its name from Robert John Lechmere Guppy, a conchologist, geologist and also President of the Scientific Association of Trinidad. This was around 1866 roughly. These were small fish that he had collected from streams in Trinidad.

The Guppy continued to be sent to many different Museums by various collectors and acquired no less than 11 different scientific names. These turned out to be different strains and not new species.

The scientific name of Guppies has undergone a number of revisions in the past 100+ years, finally settling on the name of Poecilia reticulata

The first recorded live Guppies to enter Europe were into Germany in December 1908. The German Hobbyists were so impressed with the reproductive rate of the Guppy that they nicknamed it the Millionenfisch (million Fish).

Around 1920 a fish club in Germany developed the first points system for judging Guppies, the maximum points available was 50, the club held the first recorded Guppy show in November 1922.

The first International Guppy show was in 1954 held in Germany

After this, I can not find much more information of the first true breeding species. I just thought you would like a small break down of the slow coming of the species.