Magical Koi Creek

Magical Koi Creek

submitted by Holly Gibbs
November 2020

Magical Koi CreeK

As I load my truck with nets & buckets battery air packs in anticipation for today’s collecting (treasure hunt). Going to my favorite place a magical creek full of koi & goldfish. The creek periodically dries up so I feel a need to rescue as many as possible. My biggest so far is about 11/2 ft orange n black koi named Titan very handsome.
But Ghost has escaped my net twice. She is a beautiful white female. I’m hoping my next trip third time will be my charm. But I am content until then to relax and watch hundreds of baby frogs hop all about. The beautiful deer at the waters edge having a cool drink don’t seem to be concerned with me. I have collected such beautiful wonders of nature there; Crystals, plants, arrowheads & even the biggest mystery snail I’ve ever seen – (Mo).
The water is cool & refreshing as I wade through or in a few cases get drug down the river by ghost, almost medicinal for my body & soul.
Blessed Be fish family & I hope everyone has a magical place to go to just like Ghosts creek.